Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why dont these guys hire drivers!!!

Today, Donte Stallworth of the Cleveland Browns plead not guilty to the charge of DUI manslaughter! Ironically I was in Miami spring break week when the accident occurred. The night before the accident I was cruising down South Beach and I told my driver, "Get me the hell out of here! These folks are not paying attention! Somebody's gonna get hit!" Everybody that knows Stallworth knows that he is paid! Why does he feel it necessary to ever push his own whip - especially after drinking! He may think drinking makes him drive better but it's still against the law! The law is not playing! You get paid and the law tries to figure out a way to get the money back! It's simple! Get a driver! One pro athlete told me "It ain't that easy, Mane! Yo own driver might turn and rob ya!" I dont want to hear that junk! At the least, everybody knows a 'Do-Nothing' at the house that has a valid driver's license! No excuses! GET A DRIVER!!!


  1. Man dont do that ever!! If you rich get a driver.If not rich, find someone who cares enough about them selves to be a sober driver for the night! Or some square that owes you money, tell em its time to "Kick In Fool". Its all good. check ya pride at the door before you proceed down the path of defilement. Just kick back passenger side and kill the rest of tha bombay!!!

  2. THERE IS MORE THAN MEETS THE HUMAN EYE!!! Often, God blesses up with tremendous gifts and restores blessings to us that are life altering. It is how we use these blessings and gifts that determine the paths that we take in life. It is extremely important to remember the old adage - "to whom much is given, much is required". Being a famous African American with fat pockets is no exception to this concept. It is no secret that wealthy white Americans tend to be favored by rulings made by this country's judicial system, while the same justice system seeks to make "examples" out of our wealthy black community heads. Look at Michael Vick! Look at O.J. Simpson!! Look at Wesley Snipes!!! (some of you may need to perform extensive research in order to gain adequate understanding of the situations pertaining to these individuals) By no means am I condoning the acts which landed these individuals in their respective predicaments, I am merely saying that in order to prevent traveling down a path of destruction, one must inevitable whole-heartedly seek the Light and keep God close at heart from the beginning of the journey all the way to the end. A Godly life is the sure way of preserving one's self and is the safehaven from oposing forces that plague our lives daily!!!

  3. I totally agree. If you are gonna drink and hangout let a true friend you know make some money that night. I mean really how much money do athletes waste at clubs per night? Thousands!!! I've seen it. Give a friend one or two hundred bucks and ask them NOT to drink. That eliminates a potential DUI, a robbery by a set up driver, spending $500+ on a limo for one night (with the possibility of robbery), and ultimately it stops you from bulldozing a pedestrian. Pay for the driver's food and fun while you (the athlete) live the King lifestyle you've worked for. I definately wouldn't drink if $200 was on the table for me to eat and party. But if it was really my friend I'd do it for free anyway.

  4. Nino Williams II would like to start off with a question of how? How can u allow yourself to blow away 10's and millions of dollars by driving drunk? The reason is pure STUPIDITY! I have no sympathy or empathy for IDIOTS that use such poor judement. Let his dumb a** sit in jail and think about the family he has effected and also the people that would love to be in the financial siutuation he just TRICKED off!!!!! A cab is maybe 5 bucks to get across town and a driver for the nite is pennies compared to the salary he earnes...... complete DUMB A**...........

  5. Not only did Dontae need a driver this fool needs a kick in his a**. This will make DUI number THREE for this idiot. Ok, first one my bad , second one foolish pride or maybe even racial profiling by cops as he left yet another club, but a 3rd one that leads to the loss of another mans' life come on seriously. Yes, Black athletes are under the microscope and yes there is a lot of money at stake but at what point do we as Black men,Athletes or not accept that it is our responsibility for being more than is expected of us more than we have been pigeon-holed into being as men. How about staying at home Dontae and running routes with Brady Quinn how about reaching out to the community how about doing a public service announcement against drunk driving, anything but being a easy target. What are you doing at spring break anyway you're 28 Dontae. You have 2 commas in your net worth Dontae you have nothing to prove to yourself or the rest of world except maybe that you can still stretch the field stay healthy and really earn that 25 million. Instead of paying a friend you maybe needed to pay a therapist to see if you might be an alchoholic. If he had any real friends they would be honest enough to tell him that some things pass you by and intelligence and logic shouldn't be those things. Sad thing is, here is another athlete that never paid attention to what happens everyday and assumed it could never happen to him and now we have to pray he hasn't thrown away all of his life along with his freedom.

  6. Good point Felo... Didn't know that was #3. He obviously has no fear of his dad b/c no matter how grown I am, after #2 I know my father would intervene. Forcing me to get help or he'd let me know if I embarrass him again furniture will be rearranged. We all know he didn't mean for that outcome to happen but when are you gonna look in that mirror. The mirror never lies! He's a true example of a man too ignorant to check himself. I'd hate to see him go to jail but he really deserves it...

  7. What the fizzle! I can agree with all that has been written. Maybe Stallworth is an idiot! On the other hand, he may just be ignent! Stallworth's mind is like the early years of slavery in the United States of America! You drag a guy fresh off a boat from the African continent and promptly "whoops" his rump when he doesn't respond to you perfectly in king's english. You can't do that! The guy has not been taught! He has not been educated! Stallworth is in a similar boat. During his life he has been regarded as a speedy big black buck! It is obvious that he missed out on learning common sense and basic survival skills since he's been living this pharoah's lifestyle (more ladies of the night than Xerxes the Great, doing anything and getting away with it)! And now lady liberty has him wrapped in her web and he's about to get his a** whooped by the hands of justice! Before you say,"Shame on Stallworth!" you must first say, "Shame on anyone who knows Stallworth, knows he was doing bad, and did nothing about it!" Like Ole Marty Mar always, "Bru Man, EDUCATION!!!

  8. Who do these black athletes have to truly educate them? They are surrounded by parasites who at every turn are looking to manipulate them at any cost. And this behavior does not just come from the average Joe Blow deciever. It comes from what one would think would be the very agents designed to prevent this behavior. I feel for these guys but at the same time they must learn from there mistakes. I would love for each one of you look at the very system that attempts to crucify these young men because of there indiscretion. For years America has made up laws that were design to "HANG" blacks out to dry. I gurantee a great percentage of these athletes greatly effected by the evils that caused the Civil Rights movement(and the Civil Rights Movement was directly related to slavery I might add). It was said that effects of slavery would last at least 500 years. So when I see stories like Stallworth, Vick, and etc.. I am hoping that those of learned individuals band together and unite to teach our peers and young ones differently.
