Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Doubtful confidence can swoop in your face, extend a vote of support, and gently glide away (ALL THE WHILE IT IS THINKING YOU WILL FAIL)! This is the complete opposite of knowing someone is saying, “I HOPE HE FAILS!” when they talk about you! Sometimes you have to always BE PERFECT! Because right when your equilibrium is uneven, DOUBTFUL CONFIDENCE will reach and snatch the win right from your most KUNG FU-like clutch!
If someone smokes cigars and imbibes the finest spirits in the public eye and that person is revered as the guru of accomplishment, IT IS NO WAY ON HEAVEN OR ON EARTH THAT PERSON BELIEVES THE OLD ADDAGE, “Hard Work Pays Off!” He knows that you could be doing it BIG and not training between appearances and YOU COULD STILL BE GETTING IT DONE! BUT HE KNOWS THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY FOOLED YOURSELF! So how could he ever have confidence in YOU! That pat JOE TORRE gave JOHNATHAN BROXTON during his mound visit in the bottom of the ninth inning last night was nothing more than a gesture to personify this expression, “YOU ARE GOING TO BLOW THIS ONE!”
Never give doubtful confidence a chance to snatch destiny from your Donkey Kong-like grasps! IN THE BOTTOM OF THE NINTH IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE, “THREE UP! THREE DOWN!” You are not to issue the Barry Bonds treatment to senior citizens! Neither are you to go “Vicente Padilla” because Vicente Padilla did not get the chance to go “Vicente Padilla!” Neither are you to behest more homage to Matt Stairs (whose bat doubles as a walking stick) than you do to the former MVP! With these three strikes, BROXTON PROVED THAT HE HAD LONG AGO FOOLED HIMSELF BEFORE HE STRUCK HIMSELF OUT IN GAME 4 OF THE NLDS!
DODGERTOWN is now faced with the curse of being down three games to one in a seven game series! Can they win it!?! They can not possibly do it with JOE TORRE aka DOUBTFUL CONFIDENCE making mound visits during critical situations! Like his Bobby Cox/Gregg Popovich-like run with the Yanks, this one is going to be ALL up to the players! WILL BROXTON PULL HIMSELF TOGETHER? WILL THE DODGERS PULL THIS ONE OUT? IF THEY ARE, THEY HAD BETTER DO ONE THING, KEEP DOUBTFUL CONFIDENCE FAR AWAY FROM THE INSIDE OF THE DIAMOND!”

Monday, August 10, 2009

Carston Lee Raises a Few Questions

Money: Is the NCAA Racist or Just Getting Rich?
In a letter written to NCAA President Miles Brand, Chairman Bill Thomas of the House Ways and Means Committee had this to say:
"The annual return also states that one of the NCAA's purposes is to 'retain a clear line of demarcation between intercollegiate athletics and professional sports.' Corporate sponsorships, multimillion dollar television deals, highly paid coaches with no academic duties and the dedication of inordinate amounts of time by athletes to training lead many to believe that major college football and men's basketball more closely resemble professional sports than amateur sports."
The NCAA's attitude toward the men and women on the court is one that reeks of racism. When I make the simple argument on radio shows that athletes should get something for their labor that is reflective of their true value to the university, the comments made about student athletes are appalling: "If they get all that money, they are just gonna spend it on gold chains and rims for their cars," or "They should be happy to get a scholarship, that is better than what they were getting before."
These responses remind me of the paternalistic nature of Barbara Bush's remarks about Hurricane Katrina victims. Mrs. Bush claimed that the Katrina victims should be happy living in the stadium in which they were housed because it was probably better than the conditions from which they came. What is also interesting about the comments I hear from the American public as it pertains to the fair compensation of NCAA athletes and their families is that while people are directly and immediately against the idea of providing any compensation to the men and women earning the revenue, they rarely question the level of compensation received by the coaches. They act as though they deserve it.
This asymmetric view of collegiate compensation again alludes to the idea that "those big dumb negroes don't deserve anymore than I do," which has been consistent throughout American history. When these young men leave college and come back to their universities to try to become coaches, they are often denied the job. Terry Bowden, a prominent White football coach in the NCAA, made it clear when he explained in a Yahoo Sports article that black coaches are not hired by the NCAA because they are black. In the words of Bowden:
"Many presidents won't hire black coaches because they are worried about how alumni and donors will react." He also makes this clear and interesting point when it comes to the NCAA's lack of regard for hiring minority coaches: "There are 117 colleges participating in Division I-A football and there are only three black head coaches. You don't have to be too smart to know how stupid this looks. Let me lay it out for you: · Fifty percent black athletes lead to 25 percent black assistant coaches leads to 3 percent black head coaches. · Fifty percent white athletes lead to 75 percent white assistant coaches leads to 97 percent white head coaches."
The point is very simply put: history is repeating itself, as African Americans are cast at the bottom of the capitalist totem pole. We are the laborers and consumers, but not the managers and owners of these establishments. Part of this is due to the history of our country, in which the greatest American institutions were established without our being at the table. However, there is a component of this reality perpetuated by the fact that we have grown comfortable as laborers. We don't get more because we ourselves don't feel that we deserve more. In other words, the "slave mentality" shows itself quite clearly in collegiate athletics.

Monday, July 27, 2009

“Working for Rewards”

Rickey Henderson, arguably the greatest player in the history of Major League Baseball, was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame Sunday afternoon. During his playing career Rickey was widely known for self-proclaiming himself, “THE GREATEST!!” Consequently, many fans and media members expected Rickey to once again crown himself during his Hall of Fame induction speech. However, Rickey took the alternative route. He used the shining moment to emphasize how humbled he was to be in the company of the other amazing athletes.
On the other hand, there is a snapshot during the movie “Varsity Blues” in which Coach Bud Kilmer is standing all alone in a dark hallway with HIS numerous championship banners hanging uselessly above his head. Just before coach walked into the hallway from the locker room, HIS football team abandoned him because of his arrogance and mistreatment.
Just as The Great Rickey Henderson and Bud Kilmer realized, today is here for everyone to realize the importance and significance of other people. Even if we think we are greater or lesser than the people surrounding us, WE MUST START WORKING FOR THE BETTERMENT OF OTHERS AND STOP WORKING FOR REWARDS!!!!

Mendenhall Man

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The NBA Draft Age Limit for African Americans Only

I have been trying to figure this one out for the longest time; I mean this is America so I thought. So how in the hell can you be told that you cannot make a living, when at eighteen years old you can die for your country. An athlete can go pro in tennis, golf, and baseball; but I forgot African-Americans really do not play those sports, but just as sure as we try to shoot jumpers and get paid out of high school it becomes a problem! Will someone please explain to me why this is ethical to prevent kids from going to the NBA fresh out of high school. Just like the movie "Life" with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence said, "White only Pies". How 'bout the NBA Draft Age Limit? Black only bulls***!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lebron James' fine???

NBA phenom Lebron James has been fined $25,000 for not speaking to the MEDIA in their game six loss in the Eastern Conference Finals. Although he can afford it, what message is the NBA really sending? Lebron James has built a reputation of being arguably the best player in the world and one of the most respectable athletes in the business. I think his constant cooperation and media friendly attitude has backfired on him being the fierce competitor that all elite athletes are. Even though I have no problem with him not shaking hands; which is done all of the time in pro sports after a devastating loss. I do have a problem when a league that promotes their mission of setting examples and influencing our youth; publicly fines a superstar NOT for doing something that kids must do at the end of every game, but slap a fine for not making a post-game statement? C'mon that's just absurd! I guess you only have the right to remain silent when in hand-cuffs. The NBA just collected a free $25,000 along with many other questionable fines this year. This man has never caused the league one problem since he's arrived and was the head of a draft class that cured the NBA's years of boredom after Michael Jordan retired from Chicago. Even though it's no sweat off of James' bank statement, it's the principle and yet another form of ungratefulness shown by a pro league to one of their keys to existence. It's funny how not speaking to the media costs the same as Kenyon Martin pushing Dirk Nowitzki into the third row in the Nuggets/Mavericks series on May 9th of this year.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why dont these guys hire drivers!!!

Today, Donte Stallworth of the Cleveland Browns plead not guilty to the charge of DUI manslaughter! Ironically I was in Miami spring break week when the accident occurred. The night before the accident I was cruising down South Beach and I told my driver, "Get me the hell out of here! These folks are not paying attention! Somebody's gonna get hit!" Everybody that knows Stallworth knows that he is paid! Why does he feel it necessary to ever push his own whip - especially after drinking! He may think drinking makes him drive better but it's still against the law! The law is not playing! You get paid and the law tries to figure out a way to get the money back! It's simple! Get a driver! One pro athlete told me "It ain't that easy, Mane! Yo own driver might turn and rob ya!" I dont want to hear that junk! At the least, everybody knows a 'Do-Nothing' at the house that has a valid driver's license! No excuses! GET A DRIVER!!!